All Systems Go Marketing (ASGM), an HVAC-focused digital marketing company based in La Mesa, California, recently published an article entitled, “Instagram is the Current Hotbed of Influencer Marketing”. In the article, ASGM explores Instagram’s role in influencer marketing, and continues its series of educational posts.

In 2019, marketers saw the rise of a new trend in digital marketing—influencer marketing. Influencers are public figures who command influence in their respective niche.

These people tend to have social media followers in the thousands to tens of thousands. This makes them viable candidates for marketing products towards a specific group of individuals.

Why Instagram

Influencers are usually social media buffs and use a vast range of social media platforms to make themselves visible. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are common tools in the influencer’s arsenal.

But Instagram sets itself apart from the other platforms because of:

Visual Storytelling

From its conception in 2010, Instagram was, without question, unique in the way it engaged its users.

Whereas Facebook and Twitter would be characterized by streams of continuous updates through text posts and tweets, Instagram brought a more stylish form of social engagement to the table.

Instagram posts are centered on visual storytelling. Photos and videos exclusively are how a user can post updates. And, because visuals are much more easily understood, engaging, and emotional, influencers and businesses have done well to harness the effectiveness of visual storytelling through Instagram.

Instagram Stories

One method that Instagram has allowed its users to engage their followers through visual storytelling is Instagram stories.

Stories are photo and video updates that expire after 24 hours. Though, if a user wishes, they may save these stories in the form of highlights.

These stories are different from typical Instagram posts. Normally, Instagram users go through a bit of effort to add some flair to posts. And, depending on the user, these posts will ultimately contribute to a central theme for their whole profile.

Stories, for the most part, aren’t made with these thoughts in mind and are usually just bits and clips of a user’s daily life. These add a personal touch to their profiles which influencers and businesses can use to build brand awareness and visibility.


Influencer marketing, simply put, is just smaller-scale celebrity endorsement. The difference is influencers, to their followers, are more relatable than celebrities.

Though this smaller scale implies a smaller reach, it also implies better focus. Influencers are already known in their specific niche and thus command more authority.

Nano-influencers are even smaller but have the potential to be more effective than regular influencers. They typically have smaller followings in the thousands range.

However, this also means that they can be more hands-on with their engagement. From the article: “This results in better engagement rates for the business compared to hiring more popular influencers with larger fanbases. As they have fewer followers, they also charge less, making them a great choice for small businesses that want to join the influencer bandwagon but don’t have huge marketing budgets.”

Instagram Comes Recommended

Craig Wright, speaking for ASGM, says, “Though I don’t think it’s where the majority of your marketing efforts should be, I still very much recommend it as part of your strategy. Doing it right can pay off really well for your brand and visibility.”

For 20 years, All Systems Go Marketing has been providing clients with expert digital marketing strategies and techniques. They place a clear focus on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) companies that operate on a smaller scale. ASGM’s main services include SEO, PPC, and social media marketing.

Interested parties can get a free quote from ASGM via their website or reach out through their official Twitter profile. They also regularly update their blog with fresh content on digital marketing and SEO.

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